Information for the press
This is where representatives of the press can find current press releases and news concerning Rheinspan. All press releases and news on this page as well as any associated photographic material may be freely printed. Please send any press inquiries to
Press release
Glue supply bottlenecks due to low water levels
Nolte Holzwerkstoff must interrupt production
Dried-up filling stations, metre-long sandbanks and reduced production: The continuing low water levels in the Rhine River have an impact on diverse production and supply chains in all sectors of the economy. The Germersheim chipboard manufacturer Nolte Holzwerkstoff is also affected and has to interrupt its production.
Press release
Nolte Holzwerkstoff invests in Industry 4.0
New surface scanner supports production employees
Starting immediately, the Germersheim chipboard manufacturer Nolte Holzwerkstoff is employing a "digital eye" in its melamine lamination area. As of Monday, a new surface scanner monitors whether decorative foil is applied flawlessly onto the chipboard. The cost for the acquisition and installation of the scanner amounts to approximately 500,000 euros.
Press release
Nolte Holzwerkstoff under a new flag
The Germersheim chipboard manufacturer positions itself under the "Rheinspan" brand
Headquartered in the Rhineland-Palatinate town of Germersheim, the chipboard manufacturer Nolte Holzwerkstoff will focus on its "Rheinspan" brand as the centre of its public image in the future. To this end, the logo, company website as well as all business correspondence supplies and image brochures of the medium-sized enterprise be subjected to a relaunch. At centre stage of the clearly structured new corporate design is a compact text & graphic brand logo.